I'm happy to announce that some updates have been made to Vincent.
While everyone on Vincent is pretty friendly, sometimes you want a sense of security. With this update, you can once again claim chunks if you don't want to let others touching your stuff!
- First, although optional, create a party using /party create party_name so you can add on others. If you already have someone to add, use /party add party_name username to add your friends.
- Then you'll need to tell the server where your base is, so grab some flint and left click one corner of your base, and then go to the other end and right click the opposing corner.
- Finally, use /claim party_name to claim those selected chunks as yours. Chunks are on a 16x16 grid and protection extends from bedrock to the sky. Just make sure your two points cover your entire base and you're good to go. The first set of chunks are free, but you may need coal if you need to claim more chunks.
Secondly, CraftBook is once again in working order. CraftBook lets you build automatic tree farms, automatic sand farms, automatic cobble generators, and much more. To see a listing of what you can do,
check out its wiki. Note: We have a small addition to the pistons module where you can use "[Grind]" on a sign on a piston to turn cobble to gravel and gravel to sand.