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Posted Jan. 11, 2013
I've moved the mechanics comparison from the other spreadsheet into a new one and added some more. This shows you how different mods overlap to let you do different things.

(Video cannot be embedded)

Or view it here:
Posted Jan. 11, 2013
I have posted the Forth paster I wrote for RP2 computers:

It can paste Forth code in your clipboard extremely quickly so that you don't have to.

Unfortunately, the other pasters I found worked quite poorly for me and so I wrote this one. It uses image searching to make for a very fast and reliable paster.
Posted Nov. 17, 2012
  • Alice is now up, at least for now.
  • Vincent is still down.
  • We still don't know the cause, but we will be able to rule out Vincent at least.
Posted Nov. 16, 2012
The servers will be down temporarily until the cause of the recent crashes is discovered. Thank you for your patience.
Posted Sept. 14, 2012
The current status report on the update of Alice to 1.3.2 is:
  • Not a single mod has been ported to Bukkit + multiplayer yet.
Posted Sept. 3, 2012
Alice is now back online! There may have been data loss of up to 4 hours.
Posted Sept. 3, 2012
The server system appears to have lost power over the last 8 hours and the Minecraft server(s) are currently down. I'll boot up the Minecraft servers once I feel as though the situation is stable.

Due to the unexpected nature of the system shutting down, and because the Minecraft servers sit on RAM disks (which are flushed to hard disks periodically), there may have been some data loss.
Posted Aug. 26, 2012

We're holding a build contest that will last until Alice gets reset for Minecraft 1.3. We'll be judging (a panel of selected moderators) with the following criteria:
  1. How well does it fit the theme? (1-10)
  2. How aesthetically pleasing is it? (1-10)
  3. How much detail and thought was put into it? (1-10)

Theme: Something long lost, perhaps from an alternate universe

How much time? Likely 2-4 weeks, minimum 2 weeks.


  • Players are encouraged to work together. Groups up to the size of three members are allowed, but players may choose to work alone.
  • Any texture pack can be used to create the build, and submissions will be judged with the given texture pack, if provided. Otherwise, the default pack will be used to judge the submission.
  • Builds must fit into an area of 15 chunks by 15 chunks (chunks are 16 by 16 blocks), with no restriction on depth of height.


  • Up to three prizes, only one per person.
  • Two prizes may be selected from GROUP A.
  • One prize may be selected from GROUP B.

  • Group A (2 prizes)
    • Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
    • Just Cause 2
    • Terraria
    • Garry's Mod
    • Orcs Must Die 2
    • Resonance
    • Krater
    • Sanctum
    • Magicka

  • Group B (1 prize)
    • Armed Assault (ArmA) II: Combined Operations
    • Cogs
    • Deponia
    • Metro 2033
    • Portal
    • Portal 2
    • Killing Floor
    • Torchlight II
    • Symphony
    • Left for Dead 2

The prize list is subject to change. We may take suggestions.


  1. Only individuals who are members of SKCraft and are whitelisted on the SKCraft Mincraft servers, without a suspension status, at the deadline of the contest, are considered eligible for this contest. Individuals who officially partake in or manage the judging process in this contest are automatically disqualified.
  2. An entry consists of (1) a Minecraft structure that was built wholly on the SKCraft Alice 1.2.5 server during the contest period, (2) a complete and accurate list of eligible individuals who contributed a major role in the construction of the build, with a maximum of three individuals, and (3) a link to a download of a texture pack to judge the entry with (optional). An entry containing an incomplete or inaccurate list of major contributing individuals or a list with more than three individuals is automatically disqualified.
  3. If an entry's list of contributing individuals contains ineligible members, the ineligible members will not be considered for prizes, but the entry may continue to qualify as long as the entry's list of contributing individuals contains at least one eligible individual. If an entry has no eligible individuals in the list of contributing individuals, the entry is automatically disqualified.
  4. Each individual may only be a part of one entry in this contest. Conformation of the individuals listed in an entry may occur to ensure that the individual list of an entry is accurate. If an individual appears in more than one entry and the fact of involvement is verified, the relevant entries are disqualified.
  5. Entries will be accepted on the SKCraft forums via a private message sent to sk89q containing the subject "Alice 1.2.5 End of World Contest" with (1) attached in-game coordinates and world name of the build in the entry, (2) a screenshot of the build in the entry with a minimum dimension of 600 by 600 pixels, (3) a link to a downloadable texture pack that will be used to judge the entry (if required), and (4) the complete list of individuals involved as mentioned in the rule 1.
  6. Entries will be accepted until the entry deadline has been reached. The deadline will be announced at a future date and time and will the announcement will give at least a minimum of one week's notice prior to the due date.
  7. Judging of the entries will only commence only once past the contest deadline. The list of individuals judging the entries will be announced following the deadline, and the list will consist of individuals selected from the SKCraft moderation team.
  8. The winning entry will be selected from the list of eligible entries by summing the individual scores of each judge for each entry and the total scores of all judges for each entry, and then choosing the highest scoring entry. Judges will score based on the criteria described in this post, and builds will be viewed with the texture packs provided in each entry, or with the default texture pack for an entry if an entry does not define a texture pack. If there is a tie of score between two or more entries, the winning entry will be selected at random from the list of winning entries tying for the winning entry. If there are no eligible entries submitted by the due date, the contest will be cancelled and no prizes will be distributed.
  9. A runner-up winner will be chosen if there are two or more entries. In the case of a tie of the winning entry, a runner-up entry will be chosen at random from the list of winning entries, excluding the selected winning entry. If there is no tie, the runner up will be chosen from the second ranking entry in terms of score. If there is a tie for the runner up position, an entry will be selected at random from the list of runner ups.
  10. Winners will be notified by private message, through the individual that submitted the entry. If multiple individuals submit the same entry, only one individual chosen at the discretion of the contest manager will be contacted.
  11. Winners have a period of two weeks after they are notified to select the prizes to be distributed to the eligible contributing members of the entry. If winner does not select a distribution of prizes within that the frame, the runner up entry will be given the option to choose prizes. If there is no runner up entry, no prizes will be distributed and the contest will close. If prizes have been distributed, the contest will close.
  12. Winners will be able to choose TWO copies of any game from GROUP A of the list of prizes and or ONE copy of any game from GROUP B of the list of prizes, and the games will be distributed appropriately to each winning individual. Each eligible winning individual may choose one and only one copy of a game, and entries with group sizes smaller than three will receive less than three prizes in total, but each eligible individual will receive one prize each.
  13. Prizes will be provided in the form of Steam gifts sent over the service. If a eligible winning individual is unable to accept the selected gift, the individual will be able to choose another prize as per the rules of prize selection (rule 12). If the winning individual cannot accept any prize, no prize will be given to that individual and no prize will be distributed for that win.
  14. Any violation of the contest rules or the SKCraft rules may result in disqualification of the individuals involved and/or the entries involved.
  15. We are not responsible for any interruption of service during the duration of the contest. We are not responsible for any data loss that may occur during the duration of the contest, although we will make a reasonable best-effort approach to preventing such incidences.
  16. We reserve the right to cancel the contest for any reason at our discretion.
  17. We reserve the right to change the list of available prizes during the contest, as well as the rules of the contest.
Posted Aug. 16, 2012
  • Vincent's world still has to be reset. It is still running 1.2.5 with the old world.
  • Alice's world will be reset as soon as a notable number of the mods that we use have been ported to 1.3 and we feel that the package as a whole is ready. Track port progress on our spreadsheet. We cannot accurately predict how long it will take until we can update to 1.3 [color=#222222]—[/color] it could be a month from now.

Both worlds will be available to download, so in the case of Alice, feel free to continue on building. You'll have a copy of everything.
Posted Aug. 13, 2012
The world for Alice will be reset within the next 1-2 months, likely within 1-2 weeks after a sufficient number of mods that we use have been updated.

However, it may still be 2-4 weeks from today before we can reset.

We may let you copy over some builds, but likely not any materials.