SKCraft Community

Tools and Weaponry

Last updated 7 years, 12 months ago

Tinkers' Iguana Tweaks has been added to Infinity Skyblock, so now you can level up and have the single tool for your adventure. There are also some special modifiers for skyblock.

By adding a diamond hammer to a tinker's tool you can obtain the Hammered modifier, allowing you to use tinker's tools to break down items the same way a hammer does.

Note: ExtraTiC has been removed from the pack, so the over powered crossbows and tools will not be an option this time around.

Note: the Tool Forge recipe has been changed to be much farther down the line in progression, so you will have to use the basic tools for now.


ExCompressum adds a variety of tools, in a compressed form, that allows you to breakdown and process compressed blocks (cobble, gravel, etc.)

Later down the line, there are also automatic versions of the same machines.